A state-of-the-art simulator is being used to train new drivers.
A fantastic new apprenticeship scheme has been launched to help ease the shortage of lorry drivers in Lincolnshire.
The 12-month Large Goods Vehicle driver apprenticeship with Transafe Training has been launched at Modal Training Centre in Immingham and uses state-of-the-art technology as part of the scheme.
The immersive truck simulators allow apprentices to sit in a lorry that houses a 220-degree virtual reality screen with modifiable situations to test their driving knowledge, skill and reaction times.
This then allows instructors to switch the weather conditions and create vehicle defect scenarios (such as flat tyres, and airline breaks) as they attempt to give apprentices as many real-life experiences as possible.
Tom Dunderdale, 21, is three weeks into his apprenticeship and says the skills they’ll be able to pick up will help make other drivers who pass the scheme some of the most employable lorry drivers in the business.
“To be able to practice stuff that you might not normally see on the road, like a blown-out tyre or icy conditions, means it’s a brilliant experience,” he said.
“You get classroom lessons, theory stuff and all the practical elements and it’s more than anyone else has had”.
“You’re getting all the training that you don’t just necessarily get by doing lessons”.
“When we were on it last week I got the tyre blow simulator and it’s feeling those different things that help you and can prevent accidents.”
Hugh Callaway, Managing Director, added: “During the apprenticeship, candidates will spend 20 per cent of their working week off-the-job training and will also study the theory of road safety, procedures and legislations, vehicle safety, route planning and health and safety.”
It’s estimated that the UK has a shortage of 50,000 lorry drivers, meaning this new training scheme could entice those who perhaps thought they didn’t have the skills to become an HGV Class 1 or Class 2 driver
After successfully completing the apprenticeship candidates will hold a Cat C and C+E licence and be ready for a successful career as an HGV driver.
MODAL Training Centre Truck Simulator
Lucy Ottewell-Key, Executive Director of Apprenticeships and Partnerships for the TEC Partnership, which includes Modal Training, said: “We are very proud to announce the arrival of our first cohort of LGV apprentices to Transafe Training Centre.
“The LGV apprenticeship has been designed with local employers over a period of time to get it right for the logistics industry. Our aim is to support the sector and do our bit to reduce the skills gap currently facing the driving sector.
“We look forward to the apprentices being successful in their apprenticeship and welcoming many more employers and apprentices in the future.”
Want to find out more? – visit https://transafetraining.co.uk/lgv-simulator/
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